You Are My Hero

The hype was huge around this one, and I admit I was a bit intrigued as well because I love military shows, and there’s always an interesting dynamic between a doctor and a soldier. For the longest time, I also thought it was a Descendants of the Sun remake, so I wondered if they might be able to do it better. It turns out that it wasn’t, and that they didn’t anyway. I didn’t go any further than episode 1, it just didn’t work for me beyond the first few minutes.
I watched: 1 episode.
Beyond Evil

One day, I’ll finish another Yeo Jin-Goo drama, just like one day, I’ll finish a Luo Yunxi drama. That day is not today: while Beyond Evil was certainly interesting, it was also far too sordid for me. (It’s also been a while since I last watched a hardcore detective show, so maybe that’s why I’m not used to the body parts and general violence any more.)
I watched: 1 episode.
Ni Chang

Nothing worked with that one. From the female lead’s immaturity and asymetrical buns (I can’t stand asymetrical hairdoes. They hurt me and I can’t focus on anything else. Ask Sword Dynasty.) to the out-of-sync dubbing, the cliché costumes, her brother who was clearly a woman, aaand, not one, but two love triangles. Thanks, but no thanks.
I watched: 1 episode.
Sisyphus: The Myth

I really like Park Shin-Hye, she was the main actress in my first (and second) ever KDrama (You’re Beautiful and Heartstrings, for those who were wondering), and she’ll always have a special place in my heart. But while the premise of Sisyphus was intriguing, it just didn’t click for me, and I don’t feel the need or desire to return to this drama.
I lasted: 2 episodes.

Too much comedy and ridicule makes Vincenzo a very disappointing boy. Those of you who read my first impressions know that I was skeptical about this drama to say the least.
The premise was excellent, but it got wasted on a bad script and it only took a few weeks to wean me off this train wreck of a show. I just didn’t like the bad humor, and I hated that out of a 75-minute episode, only 20 minutes were actually interesting. It also hurt me to see this incredibly talented and creative director be wasted on this, so I was very happy when I finally found it within myself to kick this one into the Dropped section.
I watched: 6 episodes.
Love Scenery

The first twenty minutes were promising, insofar as the female lead delivered burns like she was born to do it, but the rest is a desert. Love Scenery lacks any sort of substance, it’s hollow to the point that I skipped entire episodes without having any difficulty understanding the story. On top of that, the male lead is very similar to Yang Yang’s Gary Stu from Love O2O, and his possessiveness annoys me. Between that, in-game “romantic” scenes which affect the leads in real life, a creepy second lead, a thousand exasperating near-encounters, the perverted camera work, and clichés… Nope.
I watched: 18 episodes (by fast-forwarding and skipping episodes).
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